Minggu, 19 April 2020

Materi Kelas VI Tema 8 : Season And Weather


1. Rainy/ wet season = musim hujan
2. Dry season = musim kemarau
3. Autumn/fall = Musim gugur
4. Summer = musim panas
5. Winter = musim dingin
6. Spring = musim semi
7. Foggy = berkabut
8. Dry = kering
9. Cloudy = mendung/berawan
10. Sunny  = cerah
11. Hot = panas
12. Windy = berangin
13. Snowy = bersalju
14. Cold = dingin
15. Crescent = bulan sabit
16. Sun = matahari
17. Moon = bulan
18. Cloud = awan
19. Thunder = petir
20. Storm = badai
21. Wind = angin
22. Rainbow = pelangi
23. Degree = derajat
24. Snow = salju
25. Warm = hangat
26. season = musim
27 Weather = cuaca
28. Cool = sejuk
29. Lightning = kilat

Perbedaan Season (musim) dan Weather (cuaca)

Season berlangsung dalam waktu yang lama biasanya hitungan bulan\
Weather biasanya berlangsung dalam hitungan jam atau hari, weather bisa berubah-ubah dengan cepat seperti contoh saat pagi cuaca cerah sedangkan saat sore cuaca hujan.


Seasons in Indonesia
 There are two seasons in Indonesia, they are rainy/wet season and dry season.
Rainy seasons starts from October to April. The weather in rainy season usually cool, rainy, and cloudy. We should bring raincoat on umbrella in rainy season. Dry season occurs from April to October. The weather in dry season is usually hot and sunny.

Seasons in Europe and America 

In Europe and America there are four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons. It is spring now. March, April and May are spring months. In spring it is warm. The weather is fine. You can see flowers in the fields.It is summer. June, July and August are summer months.In summer it is hot. The weather is fine. The days are long and the nights are short. Thefields and the trees are green.It is autumn. September, October and November are autumn months.In autumn it is coolThe weather is bad.The trees are yellow and red. You can see apples in the trees.It is winter. December, January and February are winter months.It is cold in winter. The weather is cold. The days are short and the nights are long.The streets, the trees and the fields are white with snow.


Buku exis halaman 38 task 6

1.     They can be gray or white
2.     It has got a lot of color, and you can see it after the rain
3.     You can see it in the sky during the day
4.     This is frozen water that comes from clouds
5.     Where there is a lot of this, you can fly your kite

Soal diatas adalah soal teka - teki, jadi siswa diberi deskripsi dan  diminta menjawab dengan disertakan 5 pilihan jawaban.
No 1
They can be gray or white
They = mereka
can be = bisa menjadi
gray = grey = abu -abu
or white = atau putih
Jadi artinya "Mereka bisa menjadi putih atau abu - abu" jadi jawabannya adalah .... silahkan pilih ☺️

No 2 
  It has got a lot of color = itu memiliki banyak warna
 and you can see it after the rain = dan kamu bisa melihatnya setelah hujan 
Petunjuk memiliki banyak warna setelah hujan

No 3
You can see it in the sky during the day
You can see it = kamu bisa melihatnya
in the sky during the day = di langit selama siang hari
petunjuk "bisa dilihat dilangit pada siang hari"

No 4
  This is frozen water that comes from clouds
This is frozen water = ini adalah air beku
that comes from clouds = yang datang dari awan - awan
petunjuk "air beku yang jatuh dari awan"

No 5 
Where there is a lot of this, you can fly your kite
Where there is a lot of this = dimana ada banyak hal ini
you can fly your kite = kamu bisa menerbangkan layang-layang

petunjuk "saat ada hal ini kamu bisa menerbangkan layang-layang"

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